
The CCAPS-Screen is a mental health screener for college student athletes/general student body that assesses the most common psychological problems experienced by college students.  The CCAPS-Screen is normed on 488,190 college students in mental health treatment at college counseling centers between 2022-2024.

This mental health screener is 36-questions that assessing 8 areas of distress, as well as a critical item related to the report of Suicidal Ideation (SI) within the last two weeks.

  1. Depression
  2. Generalized Anxiety
  3. Social Anxiety
  4. Academic Distress
  5. Eating Concerns
  6. Frustration
  7. Family Distress
  8. Alcohol Use

The CCAPS-Screen is managed via the CCAPS-Web, is not associated with any electronic medical record, and does not collect or retain any identifiable information (i.e. PHI).

2024 NCAA Best Practices x CCAPS-Screen
Learn more about the CCAPS-Screen


Interested in using the CCAPS-Screen? 

  • If your college/university counseling center is a CCMH member, the counseling center already has access to the CCAPS-Screen and may be willing to collaborate!  
  • If the counseling center is not a CCMH member or collaboration is not feasible, athletic departments can join CCMH as a Non-Clinical Member for their own installation of the CCAPS-Screen at an annual rate of $550 for the 24-25 academic year.  The fee for the 25-26 academic year is $575. Register here!

Types of Administration

Anonymous: Create a web link for students to anonymously self-screen on their own personal device as a mental health check-in (e.g., link to the screening on a counseling center website so students can self-screen, link for an institutional research department to collect anonymous data about student mental health).  One anonymous link can be created for each account.

In-Person: Launch a secure portal on university device(s) to administer the CCAPS-Screen to an identified student or group of students (e.g., varsity athletes for pre-participation screenings, students during a counseling center sponsored mental health screening day).  Unlimited In-Person portals can be created.

Remote: Pre-generate unique URL's and CCAPS-Screen ID's that can be distributed to an identified student or group of students to complete the CCAPS-Screen on their own private devices.  Administrators can export a csv. file with the unique URL's and CCAPS-Screen ID's to locally match with student information.  Administrators can review results in the CCAPS-Web or export updated csv. files with updates regarding the status of the students results.  Unlimited Remote portals can be created.

Key Features:

  • A department will include local mental health resources that will be included on each CCAPS-Screen profile report for students to review.
  • For In-Person or Remote screenings, administrators will be able to easily identify which CCAPS-Screen reports endorsed some level of Suicidal Ideation using a sorting function.
  • Administrators can quickly run aggregate reports on all groups of students who were screened.  Reports include how many students completed the CCAPS-Screen, the percentage with elevated distress on each subscale, and the proportion of students reporting thoughts of ending their life.
  • Administrators can export raw data to run their own analyses. 

CCAPS-Screen Profile Report


CCAPS-Screen - Usage Statistics Report